Our curriculum vision is reflected in computing through the key concepts of:
Connect - Communicate
Connect refers to the safe connection with others through technological and virtual network linking. This concept relates to our school vision of Community (sharing and building) and Growth (developing).
Communicate refers to the process of sending information digitally and electronically to others and receiving information back. This concept relates to our school vision of Environment (global communications) and Spirituality (thinking deeply).
Our curriculum statement details Intent, Implementation and Impact for computing.
Our progression map shows the sequencing of learning which enables teachers to build on children’s prior knowledge and plan a series of lessons which will enable children to achieve the end points specified.
We use the Knowsley Computing Scheme of Work because we believe it to be a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum. Teaching and learning facilitates progression across all key stages within the strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science.