
Our curriculum vision is reflected in the mathematics curriculum through the key concepts of:

Fluency - Reasoning - Problem Solving

Fluency refers to the combined ability to recall mathematical facts and concepts without thinking and can be linked with our focus on Growth (realising our potential) and Environment (using what is available locally to support thinking and understanding).

Reasoning refers to the process of applying logical thinking to a situation to derive the correct problem-solving strategy and can be linked with our focus on Community (sharing and contributing through group discussion).

Problem-Solving refers to the mathematical process that requires a ‘solution’, which is the whole process of solving a problem, including the method of obtaining an answer and the answer itself.  This can be linked with our focus on Spirituality (reflecting and thinking deeply).

Our curriculum statement details Intent, Implementation and Impact for mathematics.

Progression maps show the sequencing of learning which enables teachers to build on children’s prior knowledge and plan a series of lessons which will enable children to achieve the end points specified.

We use the White Rose scheme of work because it enables us to structure and plan our lessons coherently, and ensures firm foundations and sequenced learning. Alongside White Rose, we use a range of rich resources to enhance our lessons and deepen understanding from websites such as NCETM and Nrich. Children also have access to various learning platforms including Times Table Rock Stars.

Useful Documents

Progression Maps - Maths

Statement of Intent for Maths LHCEPS