Our curriculum vision is reflected in RE through the key concepts of:
Belief (believing) Values (thinking and living)
Belief or believing refers to an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof, and having trust, faith and confidence in someone or something. This can be linked with our focus on Spirituality (the recognition of a feeling that there is something greater than myself) and Growth (developing understanding, realising potential).
Values refers to thinking and living and refers to principles or standards of behaviour in our school that are judged to be important in life. These can be linked with our focus on Community (identifying with the priorities within our school and the wider community) and Environment (appreciating these both locally and globally). Our focus on Christian values is key to the Christian distinctiveness of our school, together with our vision of ‘Learning for Life’.
Our curriculum statement details Intent, Implementation and Impact for RE.
Progression maps show the sequencing of learning which enables teachers to build on children’s prior knowledge and plan a series of lessons which will enable children to achieve the end points specified.
We follow the Diocesan Syllabus for Religious Education in the Diocese of Peterborough, together with Understanding Christianity. This develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and belief, it provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose, truth and values, identity and belonging.