Clubs and Enrichment

Music Lessons

We currently offer Strings and Guitar lessons to children in year 3 and above. These are booked directly through the Northamptonshire Performing Arts Trust (NMPAT) and their teachers deliver the lessons during school time.

The children also have access to the First Access music project which has allowed whole classes to learn to play an instrument such as a ukulele or the samba drums.

All of our upper KS2 children are taught to play the ocarina by their class teacher too.

Sports coaches

We have a qualified sports coach from Freestyle Sports and Arts in school every day organising games and activities for children from all year groups during their lunch break.

The School Sports Co-Ordinator from Wollaston Secondary school also comes into the school throughout the year.  He visits for three short terms to work with the class teacher and deliver 6 weeks of PE lessons for different year groups.

The children are also able to participate in sports tournaments with other local schools.

Wrap Around Care

The Drop Off provide a daily breakfast club and after school club in the school hall which includes a variety of different activities - 

After School Clubs

We currently offer a basketball club for children in Years 1 – 6 every Wednesday from 3.15 – 4pm.  This club is run by Hot Shots basketball.

We also offer a free sports club run by Freestyle on a Monday after school until 4.30pm.

In addition, Kidslingo run Spanish Clubs on a Tuesday (EYFS and KS1) and Thursday  (KS2) from 3.15 - 4pm.


Lunchtime Clubs

We currently offer a variety of teacher led clubs as follows:

  • Monday - Sign Language
  • Tuesday - Construction
  • Wednesday - Board Games
  • Thursday - Sketching/Art and Drama
  • Friday - Sports

Gardening Club

Children in Key Stage 2 benefit from a gardening club which  is led by volunteers from the village and gives the children the opportunity to learn about growing fruit, vegetables and flowers and seeing the results of their hard work later in the year.

Educational Visits and Residential Trips

School trips and visits are an integral part of the education of children at Little Houghton CE Primary School.  We value the opportunities such visits offer our pupils and the commitment of staff and adults undertaking them.  Trips include class visits aimed at bringing learning alive and providing first-hand experience.

Children in Class 4 take part in a week-long residential visit. These are planned to provide new and exciting experiences for the children, as well as addressing many aspects of the Outdoor and Adventurous PE curriculum.

Enrichment Links

We have a close link with Oundle School which has enabled some of our Y6 children to attend a Maths Enrichment Conference. Our Y5 children are also able to access a summer STEM festival.